Saturday 3 October 2009

Fairy Tale Identities

As a lil girl you get told about these amazing fairy tales and then you spend your whole life waiting for the prince charming that will never come. Well for my FMP I looked to expose all that and looked at how Cindy Sherman dressed up as certain characters to documented that through photography. I did the same last year and thought I best mention it because this was the most fun I had in a project because I didnt have to be myself I could dress up n play a different role and have fun and I liked not being me for a day. I really enjoy not being recognised by people maybe because I tend to get more compliments when I'm not being me or maybe because I don't feel the need to live up to other people's ideas of me.


  1. That's a really good idea. And yes, it's true. People tend to pay you more attention when they don't recognise it as being the person they know.

  2. Interim Review - Unit 1: Anatomy 06/10/09

    Hi Farideh,

    Had a look for your possible essay suggestions, but couldn't find them? Your creative project is dealing with some rich and potent issues; can I therefore assume that your written assignment will do the same? In the absence of a clear idea of your intentions, I can but suggest some subject areas you might want to investigate; certainly, the depiction of women in art (as the subject of art) is meaty stuff; at the seminar we touched on the idea of the portrait and the subject undergoing somekind of transaction - and perhaps, when it's been a dressed man and naked woman - an unfair or imbalanced one; or not? You might also want to look at the work of one artist - female artists who deal with self-portrait, like Jo Spence and Jenny Saville etc. Likewise, there are all the associated ideas re. image manipulation and beauty...

    I've already left a few comments re. your creative project work; I would like to see you move now towards resolving your final portrait, and therefore exploring ideas about colour and mixed-media; you've been very brave in some of those prep portraits and I admire you for it - however, you are also an artist and a designer, so the aesthetic, composition, mark-making and textures need to resolved appropriately. Also, and it's general advice, return to the brief in the coming days to ensure you're clear about what elements you must submit in order to avoid a dread and much loathed non-submission.
